Monday, November 5, 2012

Christopher Turns FOUR

On August 23rd my little Christopher turned FOUR!!! Here is a list of my 4 favorite things about Christopher:
4. He has a sly little smile that means mischief
3. He loves everything and everything brings him joy
2. He has the best imagination, when he wears a costume, he IS that character.
and my favorite thing about Christopher...
1. He gives the BEST hugs!
His bedroom door (he woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and was a little confused and had to ask if he could come out of his room)

Christopher's 4 year Stats:
Height: 3' 3" (39 inches)-- 25th percentile
Weight: 31 lbs. 13 oz.-- 10th percentile
Blood Pressure: 104/61
Heart Rate: 93 BPM

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