Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Funeral Pictures

As many of you know my father passed away and I headed to Idaho with the kids for the funeral (more on that coming).  I was able to say goodbye to my dad before he was gone, although, he wasn't really coherent I was glad that I was able to see him one more time and make my peace with him.
We decided that it was best for Ryan NOT to make the trip out to Idaho for the funeral.  He would have to take 3 days off and he is only allowed to take 5 off in a year.  Also if he was going to come out then he would miss a couple of tests and have to make them up the next week while his parents would be in town. So he stayed in Ohio.
For the funeral we decided that weren't going to do a slide show but instead I was going to put together a collage of pictures that represented my dads life.  This is the background of the collages...
The night before the viewing, Tuesday September 17th, I went in to the funeral home with my aunt Ambie to set everything up.  It was nice to have a few minutes to myself without any one else there.  
My dad looked "at Peace". 
The finished collages, I forgot to take a picture before I put them in the frame so they are blurred.
These were the pictures that you saw as you came in the room...
This was my favorite display!
The display table
The viewing was long and there was a good turn out.  By the end of the night I was ready to call it a night.  Christopher slept through the viewing.  Emily SCREAMED the entire time and Nathanial ran around with cousins.  It was very emotionally exhausting.
The next morning came too soon and we had to be up early to be to the viewing before the funeral.  Once again there was a large turnout.  I didn't really participate in the viewing before the funeral due to that fact that I had 3 upset children and no one to help me. 
DelRay holding Mily (he never holds babies)
Julie took Emily for me during the funeral to try and get her to sleep.  She was overstimulated and under-rested.  I tried to have my cousin, Elanya help me with the boys during the funeral but they wanted Mommy.  I felt so alone!  I really wish that I could have sat by my mom or had Ryan there with me.  I was crying because I felt so alone.  The boys were tired and acting like little stinkers and then I was tired and I could hear Emily crying out in the hall.
I had the little children sing "I am a Child of God" during the funeral.  It wasn't very good but at that point I was just glad that it was done.
After the funeral we headed out to the cemetery in style.  We rode in the limos and the boys thought that it was the coolest thing EVER!! I tried to comfort Emily who was still upset to no avail. 
We can stand up in this car!
I can lay down on the floor
Once we were at the Morland Cemetery I wish that I could say that things improved but they didn't.  The boys were tired and so was I.  I was once again reminded that I was alone when the pallbearers placed their corsages on the casket (Ryan was supposed to be one). It was a short graveside service. Uncle Mac dedicated the grave.
Alex placing his flower
Macky placing his flower
Arnie placing his flower.
Aaron placing his flower
Macky Wilson, Arnie, Aaron, Alex Christensen
Kimberly, Kara, Alex, Aaron, Arnie
With Mom

After the cemetery we headed back to the church to have a lunch.  On the way back I laid Emily down in the floor of the limo and she was so happy to be put down. She was overstimulated and happy to be left alone.
I was glad that while I was there we were able to get a 4 generation picture. It is the oldest daughter of the oldest daughter of the oldest daughter of the oldest daughter.
Leola Esplin, Diane Christensen, Kara Jensen, and Emily Jensen
The Christensen Cousins
They were done...
Christopher, Nathanial, Emily, Brandon, Cassidy, Kyle, and Liam
Poor Christopher was so tired and missed his Daddy.

The LeRoy and Diane Christensen Family minus Ryan
These are the Christensen cousin's kids except for Chris Wilson's kids.
Sisters-in-Law (my mom with my dads sisters)
Candy Broadbent, Ambie Wilson, Diane Christensen, and Crystal Whitmill
I was able to meet my new nephew who was born over Labor Day weekend, Liam Aaron Christensen.  He is as big as Emily even though he is 4 months younger.


CJ & LJ said...

I am sorry things were so rough. If we'd been able to come down earlier, I would have loved to have helped. I didn't realize/think about all that would be involved. Still, I am glad you were able to head to Idaho and have a few quiet minutes before storm hit ya. We love you.

Julie Miles said...

The pictures are pretty sweet. I especially love the 4 generation picture! Loved seeing you and those awesome kidos ;) Love ya