Monday, September 12, 2011

Nater Says

Nathanial has been saying some pretty funny things lately.  He is really smart and witty when it comes to talking.

So Nathanial and Ryan were at the store doing some grocery shopping for me and they needed to buy eggs. So as they were at the egg section of the store Ryan was looking for the right variety and Nathanial says "Daddy can we get the chocolate eggs?" There were brown eggs so of course he thought they were chocolate, if only...

Over Labor Day Weekend I was trying to get the Preschool put together and asked Nathanial if he wanted to work on a project.  Of course he did since most of the projects we do involve painting and crafts.  I told him that he needed to finish cleaning his room and then come down stairs and I would give him a project.  He finished his room and came down stairs to tell me that he was done.
Nathanial: "I'm done with my room, can I do my project now?"
Me: "Yes, you can put these away." I handed him a pile of toys/books that needed to be put away.
Nathanial: "That's not a project, that's cleaning."
Me: "Sure it is, it's a cleaning project!"

Ryan was cutting Nathanial's hair when I overheard Nathanial tell Ryan the following:
Nathanial: "Daddy am I fat, 'cause you're fat"

1 comment:

Dana Scarbrough said...

Wowzer! I need to keep track of things Caleb says better! This is funny!