Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So the boys have not been wanting to hear what we have to tell them lately and here is how they have expressed their dissatisfaction at what we have to say:

When we tell Christopher no to anything or he doesn't like the answer that he got regarding one of his many requests for candy he will proceed to cover our mouths with both hands and put his face really close to ours and say, "You stop talking I ask Daddy (or mommy)"

Nathanial was not doing what he was supposed to do and throwing a fit because he got sent to his room. After a minute he demanded to be let out of his room and Kara proceeded to tell him why he couldn't come out and what he needed to do to get out. Nathanial starts to yell and then this is the conversation that follows:
Kara: Nathanial you're not listening to me.
Nathanial: I will listen if you stop talking!

1 comment:

CJ & LJ said...

Haha! This sounds familiar. I'm glad it happens to others.