Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby Shower 3/25/2011

On March 25th my friend Clara Brannan threw me a baby shower.  It was really fun and I had a lot of my friends there.
These are the party favors that I made...
 We played a game that looks interesting... Kyla, Katie, and Debbie are examining the contents of these diapers...
 What does Kellie think?
 Janelle thinks they are yummy...J/K
 Kealy is not sure what to think....
 Stacey was all about it (sorry Stacey I had to post it)...
 Opening presents!  I recieved so many CUTE outfits and baby stuff! Thanks to everyone who came!

 Kyla, Katie, Debbie, and Stacey...
 Kara, Shawny, Grey, Kellie
 Clara, Brandy, Kealy
 Janelle, Jen, and Em
 I told the boys that they could help me open Emily's presents that she was given at her shower but by the time I was home they were sound asleep.  Saturday morning they woke up to lots of presents in the living room.  They were excited until they started to open them and only found baby things...


CJ & LJ said...

I need to get my rear in gear and find a post office!

Katie Blacker said...

yay! thanks for the invite. Your shower was so much fun!