Monday, December 16, 2013

Our Life...

Christopher earned 3rd place in wrestling practice for holding onto the bar and hanging for the third longest out of about 50 kids. November 11, 2013
This is what I found in Christopher's pocket: sticks and a frog! It reminds me of the poem that says boys are made from snails and puppy dog tails.
Emily is sleeping in Benjamin's bathtub with her blankets and towel.  Luckily it is dry. November 20, 2013.
It snowed a little bit on November 22nd so the kids went out to shovel after school...
Nathanial.  He actually shoveled before school, he hurried to get ready so he could.
Benjamin pulling my hair...


CJ & LJ said...

Grats Nathaniel! I love the things you're finding in Christopher's pockets. Emily is a beautiful little girl and I am looking forward to meeting Benjamin this summer.

Julie Miles said...

I wish my kids at home would have the same enthusiasm about shoveling snow as your kids do :} The kiddos are growing up way too fast. Love them!

Lanie said...

What a good boy Nathanial is, how many kids hurry to get ready so they can shovel the driveway. I hope it lasts for a long time so you don't have to shovel ;)
That is funny about the frog and sticks in Christopher's pocket. It would have been even funnier if it had been a real frog.