Thursday, December 6, 2012


We had a few weeks to celebrate Halloween this year.  There is an AMAZING sister in our ward who set up a free photo shoot for anyone who wanted to come to get their kids' picture taken in their costumes .  Here is her website:

Thor, Mario, and Tinkerbell
On Saturday, October 27th was our Church Halloween carnival put on by our youth.  They did an amazing job! There was a pumpkin carving contest so Ryan worked all day to finish his masterpiece...
It took first place, way to go Ryan!
Nathanial and I worked on this Lego pumpkin, it turned out really cute and the kids loved playing with it...
Mario and Luigi
ghost bowling
Case Alliance Dental Association (CADA, aka the dental wives) had their annual Halloween Carnival on the 19th...
Halloween (October 31st) started out with fun and games in preschool...
Captain America, M&M, Luigi, Ninja, Fairy Princess, Cinderella bride, Captain America, and Darth Vader
After preschool we headed over to Nathanial's school for their costume parade.  Due to Hurricane Sandy the event had to be held inside.  The students were supposed to dress up as their favorite storybook character, Nathanial chose Harry Potter.  I thought that he could use his costume from last year but apparently he has grown too much so the night before I made him this one...
Also, due to the hurricane trick-or-treating was rescheduled until Sunday, November 4th so we didn't go.  But we did pass out candy and since it was on Sunday we also gave out Missionary pass-along cards too :)

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