Monday, April 28, 2014


I can't believe how fast the time seems to be going.  Here is Benjamin at 2 months: height 22inches (9th %), weight 9. 14 lbs (1 %), head 40 cm (99th %).
Benjamin 2 months old

Christopher had his 2nd Wrestling match on Friday, January 3rd.  Clay, Karen, and Grandma Jensen were able to make it to watch him.
Christopher ended up getting 2nd Place and 2 pins!
That night when we got home there was a package waiting for us from Aunt Lanie.  The kids were excited to open their Christmas presents
Thank you, Aunt Lanie!
On Saturday, January 4th the kids were cooking for all of their animals...
Later on Saturday we took Grandma Jensen, Clay, Karen, and the kids to a Sioux City Musketeer's hockey game.  It was a fun game and the kids love to go.  While we were there we received a message saying that Church was cancelled due to the anticipated cold.  With wind chill it was supposed to get down to negative 50.  Since Grandma and Clay and Karen came out for Benjamin's baby blessing we decided that we would bless him at home.  It was a nice experience.  Clay and Bishop Peter's stood in the circle while Ryan gave the blessing: Benjamin Clay Jensen.  The rest of the Peter's family was there, Janice, Kylee, Evert, and Gail. The sister missionaries also came.
Our family of 6
We have such a wonderful family!
Thank you Clay and Karen and Grandma Jensen for braving the snow to drive out to share this wonderful experience with us.  We love you and are thankful for all you do for us!
Emily has some "Wood" genes in her, she is always eating candy!
January 18, 2014 Benjamin
A house full of Supers!
I love these kids and I don't know what I would do without them!
On Friday, January 31st, Christopher had his last wrestling meet at Woodbury Central High School.

Christopher ended his season with a 4-5 record and 3 pins!  He did great for his first wrestling season.  He is excited for next year.


CJ & LJ said...

I am looking forward to meeting Benjamin this summer! It'll be so nice to catch up with you and Ryan and have more cousins to play with!

granyj said...

I'M HAPPY I was able to b e there was good to spend time with your precious family.

Karen said...

Such a nice post. I love those wrestling movies. He's a gumby just like his papa!

Lanie said...

A big head = a big brain = brilliant child. :) maybe he will score in the 99th percentile in all educational areas. :) it will be interesting to see.