Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Emily 9 Months

Our baby girl turned 9 months on February 6th. She weighed in at 12 lbs. 13 oz.  She is dropping further and further off the charts.  She is 5th percentile for height though (25 3/4 inches).  She is in the 10th percentile for her head circumference (42 cm).
Due to the lack of weight gain our pediatrician is getting worried about her.  We are worried about her.  At her appointment they decided to do her 1-year blood work just to see if they could figure out what is going on with her.  Since she is so small they could only take a small amount of blood at a time.  I have to wait a month and take her back in to draw more blood.
We were thinking that maybe Emily had Coeliac Disease.  That test came back negative.  All the blood work that they did came back negative.
At this appointment Emily was diagnosed as Content Failure to Thrive (FTT).  She is happy and enjoys life but she isn't reaching her mile stones.  She sits up by herself but that is about it.  I put her on her tummy and she just lays there with her head on the floor.  I put her on her hands and knees and she lays back down on the floor.  She doesn't try to stand either. She now has to go to weekly physical therapy sessions.  I have been once and I can see an improvement or perhaps it is because Ryan and I are working with her A LOT more.
Despite everything that is going on Emily is a happy smiley baby...
On February 15th I took Emily into the doctor because I found blood in her stool.  I was really worried.  It turned out to be a small tear in her rectum.  But it was a good thing that I took her in to the doctor because it turns out she had a double ear infection and a respiratory virus.  She was put on an antibiotic and breathing treatments.  She does not like to have the treatments.  She will usually scream for 7-10 minutes of the 10 minute treatment.
Due to Emily screaming Nathanial came up with a brilliant idea, he calls it his EAR COVERS...
Emily is such a sweet baby, she is loving and loves everyone around her.  Ryan and I feel so blessed to have her in our family.  She has such a sweet spirit about her.  Her big blue eyes are captivating. Words Emily says: Mama, Dada, Hi, and uh-oh 

We want to thank everyone who has put Emily's name in various temples and in your prayers.  It means a lot to us.  We will try to keep you up to date with what is going on.


Denisse said...

Emily is precious. we love her and are praying for her.

Dana Scarbrough said...

How sad! She is so pretty and precious and I will pray for her. Is there anyway they can give her bulking agents- added to formula perhaps? I'm guessing the lack of movement is just lack of energy from her small body! Keep us updated please!

CJ & LJ said...

Thanks for the update. Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your blog - as I always do.....Just FYI: I have kept Emily's name in our Temple since your first let us know that she wasn't gaining enough weight and you needed to put oil into her food. I heard of someone who was told to feed her child butter - would she like that? I'd probably make a big bowl of frosting out of butter and powdered sugar and give it to her. ;-) She is so beautiful!!!! I hope she'll start gaining weight - she looks so happy and content in all the photos. I'll continue to pray for her. hugs, pj