Monday, February 28, 2011

Once Again...

So apparently once again I have used up all my "FREE" space for this blog.  I started it in October...I am a little irritated at the moment but I will figure something out.  Right now I am in the process of publishing our blog (putting it into a book) and then I will delete a few posts and maybe that will work or we are looking into hosting our own web page.  We are not sure yet.  Anyway...

We have been doing good at our house.  Ryan is getting into his mid-terms this week.  He received his class rank and he is in the top third of his class.  I am very proud of him and all the hard work that he puts into school.  We both feel that this is where he was suppose to be and the right career for him!  He loves dentistry.  Before he started dental school Ryan was considering Oral Surgery but has decided that he likes the general dentistry better.  He will start in the clinic in June.
I have been trying to keep busy, what mom isn't? I have been glad to cut back on my babysitting. I now babysit 2-3 days a week which is nice.  I will also most likely be done babysitting for a while when our little one get here.  We are about ready to get her here.  I am now 28 weeks along.  I think because I have been so busy that this pregnancy has gone by a lot faster.  But I do remember that the last part seems SOOO long! One of my good friends is going to throw me a baby shower the end of March so I am looking forward to that.
Nathanial is signed up to take swimming lessons and T-ball.  The two overlap by one day so I am hoping he wont be too overwhelmed. He is most excited about T-ball.  I am excited to have him learn skills from someone other than me. He is very excited about having a baby sister and is getting anxious for her to get here.  I keep telling him different things that need to happen BEFORE she will come (birthdays, holidays,...). He has also had a lot of anatomy questions...I was not prepared for that!
Christopher stays his normal impish self--if he weren't so cute...! He wants to do everything that Nathanial does including going potty so we have been potty training off and on for 3 or more months!  He will go weeks without accidents (even at night) and then one day decide that he doesn't want to do it anymore and has 5+ accidents in one day.  He is also very excited for his baby sister, Emily, to get here.  The other day he told me that he "ate" baby sister and now she is in HIS tummy!  Ever since then he is persistent that she is in his tummy AND my tummy.  It is cute to watch him try and make sense of all of this.  He tells me that he is going to give baby sister her bottle and pacifier when she cries and not hit her.

That is a little update on our family sorry that I don't have room for pictures but hopefully they will come soon!


Dana Scarbrough said...

Sound fun! I'm glad your boys are so excited for their sister to come! I think I've heard of another child making that comment about "eating" the baby and it being in their tummy? I guess since that's the only thing they figure goes down there (food) that that's a logical way to get the baby there- works for me! Nathaniel's questions probably weren't quite that easy. hehe good luck

Dana Scarbrough said...

Sound fun! I'm glad your boys are so excited for their sister to come! I think I've heard of another child making that comment about "eating" the baby and it being in their tummy? I guess since that's the only thing they figure goes down there (food) that that's a logical way to get the baby there- works for me! Nathaniel's questions probably weren't quite that easy. hehe good luck

grandma said...