Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ryan's and Nathanial's Birthday

With everything going on this year I decided that for Ryan's 30th birthday I would throw him a surprise party on Thursday, December 6th.  I invited a few of our friends and had them keep it a secret from him.  The boys even kept it from him up until about an hour from the time it started.  It was a fun night with friends...
30 Things I LOVE About Ryan:
1. He is the BEST Dad EVER!!
2. He is the BEST husband EVER!!
3. He is smart
4. He is handsome
5. He is a great example
6. He enjoys learning
7. He is patient
8. He is humble
9. He is content with what he has
10. He doesn't judge
11. He listens
12. He cleans
13. He cooks
14. He is handy
15. He gives great hugs
16. He is a great missionary
17.He makes me laugh
18. He has a great family
19. He is dedicated
20. He cleans my teeth
21. He is helpful
22. He cares about others
23. He makes me happy
24. He has a strong testimony
25. He holds the Priesthood
26. He is active (snowboarding, skiing, hiking, wake boarding)
27. He is not afraid to try new things
28. He enjoys camping
29. He spends his time with me
30. He loves me!
For Nathanial's birthday he had a music/dance/guitar birthday party with 6 friends on Saturday, December 8th.  We had 3 girls and 3 boys: Anela, Lily, Reagan, Remy, Dylan, Peyton.
Nathanial did NOT want a birthday cake instead he wanted doughnuts, and not just any doughnuts, he wanted plain glazed doughnuts.  Nathanial is a sweetheart.  He likes birthday cake a lot but he chose not to have cake because Ryan doesn't like it and he chose plain glazed doughnuts because they are Kara's favorite.  What 6-year-old thinks like that?  Kara took him to the bakery and had him look over all the doughnuts and asked him which ones that he wanted and he still chose the glazed ones.
Nathanial's 6th Birthday Doughnut

Nathanial purposely blew out one candle at a time
His guitar pinata
Nathanial thought it would be fun to use a sword
Nathanial had lots of fun opening all his great presents from his friends
Nathanial and Peyton
Nathanial's Birthday was on Sunday and Ryan's on Monday so for Sunday dinner I did a combined birthday dinner with Ryan and Nathanial's favorites: mashed potatoes and gravy, steak, stuffing, salad, and homemade mac and cheese.
Cutie Pie, Emily
The Birthday Boys

Sunday night Nathanial opened his presents...
Monday morning Ryan opened his presents...
Later that day, we went to Nathanial's school to deliver his birthday present from us, a new bike.  He rode his bike to school and we came and switched it for his new one :)
Nathanial was surprised when he came out after school and where his bike was there was a new bike...

Happy Birthday Ryan and Nathanial!
Nathanial's 6-Year Stats:
46 inches tall (3 feet 10 inches)
42 lbs. 10 oz.
Blood pressure 93/46
Heart Rate: 86

1 comment:

Lanie Sue Madere said...

Oh how sweet and thoughtful. Nathanial is such a wonderful little boy!