Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Whole Life

Tonight (December 15th) we gave the boys hot chocolate in cups with straws.  Christopher drank his first cup and wanted more.  He drank about half of the second one.  I told him to put it in the sink if he was done.  Well he took it to the kitchen and opened the lid and tried to pour the rest down the sink.  There is one small problem, he is too short to reach the sink.  The hot chocolate ended up on the edge of the counter and down the front of the cabinet doors.  I told Christopher that he had to clean it up since he made the mess.  For the first few minutes he was fine with cleaning it up, after a while he was tired of cleaning and repeated several times, "this is going to take my whole life."


granyj said...

Wow what does he know about a whole life??? Out of the mouth of our cute kids!!!

Julie Miles said...

So is he still there cleaning it up? lol Love that boy ;)