Wednesday, May 25, 2011

More Emily

My experience with my epidural just kept getting worse.  On Sunday May 8th my back broke out in a raised rash where the adhesive was from the epidural...
Nathanial still isn't sure what to do about Emily.  He really isn't interested in her a whole lot.  He gets really excited when she opens her eyes and says that she sleeps a lot.  He really doesn't ask to hold her very often so when he does it is special...
One week old...
Bath time...
May 15th Christopher crawled into bed with Ryan and I and he wanted to hold/sleep with Emily.  I thought that it was cute so I tried to take their picture.  Since it was dark and the red light before the flash was bright, Christopher is covering his eyes but it is still a cute picture. Christopher seriously can't get enough of his sister...
On Sunday May 15th we ventured out to Church.  It was Stake Conference with a broadcast from Salt Lake and I really wanted to go.  Here is Emily in her first dress. I made her dress and Aunt Penny made her hat, Grandma Esplin made the afghan and she is wearing my first pair of shoes (they look bigger than they actually are)...
What a sweetheart...
She wasn't too happy...
Christopher holding Emily...
My mom came out to visit us from the 12th to the 19th. It was really nice to have her here.  We mostly just stayed at the house where my mom taught me to crochet and read patterns.  We also went to Kirtland while she was here.  We had a great time with her here, although I think that Emily was a little spoiled.  I am not sure if she was ever put down while my mom was here and now Emily won't let us put her down.  I am trying to "break" her of this but Ryan is wrapped around her finger.   Monday night while my mom was here we painted bird houses for FHE...
Ryan read us a story about Noah's Ark while the boys painted...
And Emily was sleeping (Kimberly made her hat)...
The boys were happy to have Grandma read to them.  She read so many books that I think she started to lose her voice...
Here is a picture of the Kirtland Temple.  Ryan stayed home with the boys while my mom, Emily, and I went to see the Church sites.  We also made it out to the John Johnson Home...
Cute little Emily, she is ready for prayers...
Just a funny look...
So cute...


Kellie said...

She is so beautiful! I can't wait to see her in person :) Sorry to hear the epidural wasn't that great. That rash looks painful. Let me know if I can do something for you!

MichiganMarshes said...

She is so cute! We painted those same little bird houses here too. I think our boys would get along really well. (Emily and Merrick too)

CJ & LJ said...

I am glad you mom was able to get out there! Your family is so cute! Emily looks wonderful (as do the boys of course).

Julie Miles said...

Emily is beautiful. It appears that her hair is darker than I remember the boys being. Give her lots of XOXOXOXXO from me :)

Ash said...

She really is such a beautiful baby!!! Thanks for sharing all the pictures! Keep them coming!

Sorry about your epidural mess, that does not look like it was any kind of fun for you! Hope its all over by now!

Angel said...

Awww..they are all so dang cute! Emily is so beautiful! We want to visit, but it would have to be in January! They boys look like they enjoy having a little sister around. How long did ur rash look like it would be so irritating. Did u get a picture of ur mom with all the kiddos?